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Can I Edit My Own Work?

Writer's picture: Joyce AnnJoyce Ann

Simple answer is yes. The better question then is do you want to? It is always a good idea to have a fresh pair of eyes look at your work. We already know our story makes sense because we envisioned it, wrote it, revised it and loved it. But did we dot our ‘i’s and cross our ‘t’s? Is our format correct? Does the dialogue make sense? Does the scene we wrote in Chapter 3 reflect the vision in our head? Are there grammar errors?

As for me, by the time my story is ready for editing, I’ve read it so much that I will overlook any potential errors. Having a friend read your story not only gives you an idea of how your story will be received, but they will spot errors as well. Give them permission to use the proverbial red pen. Let them tell you what worked and what didn’t work. What was confusing for them. The more feedback you get, the better your revision, the stronger the story. A professional editor can run you anywhere from $1400 to $2000 per project or .08 to .12 cents per word. Editors plan, coordinate, revise, correct, and format written content for publication—all while working closely with writers to refine their work. (

Whether you choose a trusted friend or a professional editor, remember, it is YOUR story. Do not let anyone change your voice of the story. Every author has a voice and keeping it makes your story unique and authentic. While you can take your friend’s suggestions for changes with a grain of salt, dishing out thousands of dollars may leave you feeling you have to listen. But not necessarily so. In the end, it is your story and the joy of being a writer is you get to tell your story your way.

Next week: How Do I Decide on What Services I need?

Until next time….

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