Today’s blog will be short and sweet. And I will get back to the debate next week. I want to take a moment to say THANK YOU! Timely Talents celebrated 1 year on January 30th. I am so very grateful for all of you. Whether you made a purchase, subscribe to my blog or just send good wishes, I appreciate you. I love writing and love helping aspiring writers to bloom. I have a lot more in store for you so stay tuned!
In the meantime, feel free to drop me a line, suggest a blog topic (doesn’t have to be about writing) or make a purchase. This year there will be two new books added to the store as well as a new CD.
My mom would point to my head and say, “It’s busy up there.” Yes. Yes it is.
Peace and thank you again.
Next week: The Final Debate
Until next time…
